Amalfinon Monastery

Cranial Nerves for Medical Students: with clinical correlations (The brain, anatomy and function)<br />
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Amalfinon Monastery

The Monastery of Amalfinon (Amalfion, Μονή των Αμαλφηνών, Sancta Maria Amalfitanorum) was a Benedictine Monastery on Mount Athos.
Benedictine monastery in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, also known as the Roman monastery or the Amalfion (also known by its Hellenistic name, Morphenou)


During the 13th century, the Lavra library numbered around 1,000 manuscripts. During this period, it also inherited the collection of Latin manuscripts belonging to the Amalfitans, after the destruction of their monastery.

"he can easily see that monastic life at that time also had its aspects
shady and that selfishness, sensuality, selfishness also on Ilora Athos
they demanded of their victims.
In the fifth paragraph of this order, the monastery is mentioned
Of the Amalfitans, who are allowed to keep the mast, the inevitable
for them to ride to Constantinople. Amalfi, once a famous port
an Italian city (near Naples), led an excellent trade with the East and had its factories in several places. The settlement of the Amalfitans on Athona, on the eastern slope of the mountain, may be
also considered a kind of factory of theirs, which, however, had to have
form of a monastery. This monastery was founded in the 10th century before the arrival
of Athanasius; it was dedicated to the Mother of God and always had dimensions
meager. A half-demolished tower and the rest of the water—
water on one mound closer to the sea. It can be assumed that she
the ship visited the merchant colonies of Amalfi, receiving gifts,
which the monastery could not sustain for a long time. The monks of Amalfi were
probably intermediaries in the supply of various merchant goods to the Athonian monasteries, thereby enjoying considerable favors from individual
igumens, so that even the church schism of Michael Kerularius (from
1054) did not change much in their relation to the Athonian monasteries—
nila However, the decline of the Amalfi monastery was very noticeable
of his hometown, which was ravaged by enemies in the years 1135-37, never recovered. The Amalfi Monastery thrived until
he finally went. He received from Emperor John Komnenus (1118—1143).
two more villages by the river Strymona (Strumy) as a gift. Last
the known signature of his igumen can be found in one document from 1169
and reads: "Ego monachus presbyter Thoma, abbas sacrosancte Mariae cenobii Amalfitanorum me subscripsi" The lands of this former Latin monastery were given to the Lavra of St. Athanasia,
as evidenced by a document from the 14th century. The name of the monastery ruins is Morfino, which would point to the former Molfino,
for the letter r turns easily into l; Molíino can then be considered an abbreviation of Amalfi=Amolti.


Les archives du monastere des Amalfitains au Mont Athos
Ιδρυματικό Αποθετήριο Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλίας

Amalfion western rite. Rafał Dymczyk

"As Dom Rousseau pointed out, the monks of the Holy Mountain have good reason since the demise of St Mary’s to be suspicious of the West: for example, the foundation of Propaganda, in 1636, of a school on Athos to educate the monks, and the attempts of the Jesuits in the 17th century to found a mission there to convert them! Other similar activities have not helped the relations between western and eastern monasticism. Consideration was given by the West to refounding a Benedictine monastery on Athos, but this idea was so displeasing to the monks of the Holy Mountain that in 1924 they incorporated a clause into the constitution by which they are governed, forbidding such a foundation."

Orthodox rite not benedictine

Liliana Simeonova, The Amalfitans in Byzantium: Merchants, Monks, and Political Figures, 9th-13th Century

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The destruction of Amalfi is an issue for further

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