Art on Athos-Painting
Mount Athos' Monasteries possess the largest collection of portable icons (more than 15,000) and the highest density of frescoed sets in the world (approx. 100,000 square meters).
The Athos Digital Heritage project has digitized despotic icons, diptychs, triptychs, icons donated by donors, parsises, anthologies, copies of engravings, engravings, etc, which represent the artistic production in Mount Athos throughout time.
The organization of the monastic life at Mount Athos coincided with the new era of the development of iconography that took place immediately after the Restoration of the Icons. The Monastic Community of Mount Athos did not took long to develop its own art and become a well-known center of religious painting.
Painters representing all schools and artistic movements, professional artists, monks with an artistic talent, anonymous or well-known masters and artists of all nationalities, worked in Mount Athos, leaving their artistc mark in the temples and the repositories of the Monasteries.
Select images of paining on Athos.
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