Athos monasteries
Athos - July 3, 2024 - 7:16pm
The twenty monasteries of Mt Athos. History, icons, art, psaltic art, saints, libraries, scholars.

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The twenty monasteries of Mt Athos. History, icons, art, psaltic art, saints, libraries, scholars.
Does the e-mail work? No answers!!!
The email works, however
The email works, however it may be difficult to respond, perhaps on a mobile?. I suggest that you get permission to another monastery and go to this one instead. Boat from Ouranoupoli is EGGYITRIA (ΕΓΓΥΗΤΡΙΑ). Get off at third stop, that is after Zografou monastery. Α van will take you to the monastery free. They will offer you hospitality without permission. Do not go if you have problems with your legs. Dorms are four flights of stairs up.
Go to Konstamoniou?
You want to visit Konstamonitou monastery? Ask yourself why. Curiosity? See an Athos monastery? Know a few things first. This monastery is different from the other 19. This monastery is still primitive. Mt Athos has turned to a tourist resort these days. Konstamonitou is still holding.
Know that if you are not Orthodox you are going as a tourist and this not a tourist attraction.
Know that Konstamonitou is poor. They will not refuge hospitality to you, but they cannot feed huge crowds. Consider donating food. You can order food from a supermarket in Athens online. They will deliver it.
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