Digital libraries on Athos

Cranial Nerves for Medical Students: with clinical correlations (The brain, anatomy and function)<br />
by Dr. Michael M. NikoletseasStatistics for college students and researchers: Second Edition (Statistics Textbook) Paperback – December 31, 2020<br />
by Michael M Nikoletseas

Oxford University Library

Digital libraries on Athos

Video-introduction to Athos Repository.

Mount Athos Repository. Manuscripts,, documents, archival codices
Access to more than 300,000 digital objects, like manuscripts, historical documents, books, icons and other sacred heirlooms.

Athos Digital Heritage's Library
With the search help you can browse books & antiquarian books from the 15th to 19th century.

Library of Congress Manuscripts from the Monasteries of Mt. Athos

Περί Βιβλιοθηκών, About Libraries
Excellent documents on the libraries of Athos in Greek. Use the translator of athosforum.

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