Euthymios the New of Thessaloniki
Saint Euthymius the New of Thessalonica
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Saint Euthymius the New of Thessalonica exists in a book "The early days of monasticism on Mount Athos" (1909) by Kirsopp Lake. Available in print here
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Saint Euthymius the New of Thessalonica and Mt Athos was a native of the city of Ancyra in Galatia. His worldly name was Nicetas.
On Mt Athos he was tonsured into the Great Schema and lived for three years in a cave in total silence, struggling with temptations. Saint Euthymius also lived for a long time as a stylite, not far from Thessaloniki.
Before his death he lived on Hiera, an island of Mt Athos, where he reposed in 898.
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