The issue of the "avaton"
The "avaton" (no-pass) for women has been in effect ever since the beginnings of Athonite monasticism.
I open this forum in the belief that interdisciplinary discussion of theologians, anthropologists/ ethnologists, biologists, psychoanalysts would be helpful in defining the issue. I consider scholarly opinions of ad verecundiam nature less important. Opinions of layman (male and female) are welcome.
All-male groups or societies reflect deep-rooted instinctual forces that go back to the beginning of human phylogeny. Regression to primitive stages generates profound joy, mystic experiences, and fear.
The unconditional "no-pass" policy against women is a case of discrimination on the basis of gender and as such it violates Greek and EU laws. However, the peninsula of Athos is defined as private property and therefore the no-pass policy for women can be legally defended. Nevertheless, the gender discrimination of Athos is perceived by many as resting on precarious grounds within the EU democracies.
It may be of benefit to begin with the early adoptions of the "avaton" and its potential roots in non-monastic settings.
There are animistic/ totemic elements in the structure as well as the ritual of the Christian Orthodox church.
A word to the monks and other religious scholars: In our days in order to win legal battles and, indeed, appeal to young people, recourse to scientific disciplines is necessary.

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