Xenophontos monastery bibliography

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Xenophontos monastery bibliography

Treasures of Mount Athos. Exhibition of heirlooms at the Museum of Byzantine Culture in the context of the cultural capital of Europe, Thessaloniki 1997, D, pp. 226–232.

Holy Monastery of Xenophon (ed.), The New Catholic of the Holy Monastery of Xenophon. Anniversary edition of 200 years since its erection (1819 - 2019), Mount Athos 2019.

Kadas, S., Manuscript Notes of Mount Athos - Xenophon Monastery, Byzantina 15 (1989), 431–466.

Lambros, Sp., Catalog of the Greek codices in the libraries of Mount Athos, vol. A, Cambridge, University Press, 1895, 60–74.

Melissakis, Z., Libraries of holy monasteries. Presumptions of worship and scholarship. Living organizations and places of preservation of relics, Scholars and scholarship on Mount Athos, Thessaloniki, Agioreitiki Estia, 2013, 74–83.

Morris, Rosemary, Symeon the Sanctified and the refoundation of Xenophontos, Founders and Refounders, Papers of the fifth Belfast Byzantine International Colloquium, Belfast 2007, 443–464.

Müller, J., Historische Denkmäler in den Klöstern des Athos, Slavische Bibliothek I, Vienne 1851, 147–199.

Pazaras, Th., The sculptural decoration of the old catholicon of the Xenophon monastery on Mount Athos, Bulletin of the Christian and Archaeological Society 14 (1987–1988), 33–48.

Papadopoulos, Th., Mount Athos Libraries. Old Greek publications. Athens 2000.

Papachryssanthou, Denisse (ed.), Actes de Xénophon, Archives de l’Athos XV, Paris 1986.

Paschalidis, S., Priory of Xenophontos Holy Monastery, Mount Athos 2012.

Petit, L., Actes de l'Athos I. Actes de Xénophon, Vizantiiskij Vremennik 10 (1903), Supp. 1 (2nd ed., Amsterdam 1964).

Smyrnakis, G., Mount Athos, Athens 1903 (rev. Karyes 1988).

Traiou, Eleftheria (ed.), Holy Monastery of Xenophon - A thousand years of historical life, Seven Days of Daily Life, Dedication (20.12.1998), Athens 1998.

Tsigaras, G., The new founder of the Monastery of Xenophon Paisios Kawsokalyvitis and the reconstitution of the Athonian community, Memory of Iakovos. Volume in memory of the Metropolitan of the Princes of Greece Iakovos Sofroniadis (1947–2018) (ed. M. G. Varvounis / P. D. Rizopoulos), Thessaloniki 2020, 295–324.

Fotić, A., Xenophontos in the Ottoman Documents of Chilandar (16th–17th C.), Hilandarski Zbornik 12 (2008), 197–213.

Christou, P., Mount Athos, Athonian city - history, art, life, Athens 1987.

Chrysochoidis, Kr., History (998-1998), Holy Monastery of Xenophon - Pictures, Mount Athos 1998, 17–44.

Zahariuc, P. / Marinescu, F., Documente românesti din arhiva Mănăstirii Xenofon de la Muntele Athos [=Romanian documents from the archive of the Xenophon Monastery on Mount Athos], Iaşi 2010.

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