Σὲ ὑμνοῦμεν,
σὲ εὐλογοῦμεν,
σοὶ εὐχαριστοῦμεν, Κύριε
καὶ δεόμεθά σου,
ὁ Θεὸς ἡμῶν
We sing this hymn to you
we utter blessed words to you
we utter words of gratitude to you, oh Lord
we humbly pray to you
to you our God
(Translation by poet Michael Nikoletseas)
¨Σε υμνούμεν (se imnoumen, we praise you) is a hymn in the Liturgy of the Eastern Christian Church, sung at the most sacred moment that of the sacrifice. This hymn, when sung by gifted cantors, reaches high levels of spirituality and Art. Very few moments in western music can stand up to this hymn (moments in Mozart's Requiem and Bach's St. Mathew Passion). Te Laudamus is lukewarm compared to the abysmal tempest of awe, love, and beauty of se ymnoumen!
Here we present and rate select renditions of se ymnoumen,
Se ymnoumen by Athos monks
https://youtu.be/oWACeF_v_aY?si=xlwvidIuESvVk1cj Σε υμνούμεν, ήχος πλ. α΄ - Γέρων Γρηγόριος Δανιηλίδης Ιερά Αδελφότης Δανιηλαίων
Se ymnoumen by layman cantors
https://youtu.be/3TjCZessnts?si=OyEmufUJhHgNpFqi Θρασύβουλος Στανίτσας - Σε υμνούμεν, Ήχος πλ. δ΄
https://youtu.be/7a59MvQCeHw?si=bp1NlEkNOSIWcI_D Σε υμνούμεν ήχος γ΄ / Ταλιαδώρος
https://youtu.be/tcDto8v4Kg4?si=Bvy3LIdo5dfm4J9P Σε υμνούμεν και Άξιον Εστίν, Τιμωνίδου, Ήχος Δ. Ψάλλει ο Θεοδόσιος Ιερομ. Νεοσκητιώτης.
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