Searching for God-natural science-first peek

Cranial Nerves for Medical Students: with clinical correlations (The brain, anatomy and function)<br />
by Dr. Michael M. NikoletseasStatistics for college students and researchers: Second Edition (Statistics Textbook) Paperback – December 31, 2020<br />
by Michael M Nikoletseas

Oxford University Library

"For Heidegger we may make contact with Parmenides'
thought through "thoughtful heedfulness". "Thoughtful
heedfulness [...] is attention to a claim that does not arise
from the separate facts and events of reality and does not
concern man in the superficiality of his everyday
occupations." (Heidegger, 1992, p. 4). This of course is
nothing more than a restatement of Parmenides' thesis
(Nikoletseas, 2013b).
Recognizing the problem as Heidegger has, in the present
book I essay to follow a path directly relating to method as
practiced in natural science. In my view, Heidegger's thesis,
insightful and influential as it has been, adds little to the
question at hand. After all, the theme of regression to a
primitive stage in order to gain true knowledge has been
around for centuries not only in Greek and Eastern
philosophy but also western philosophy, e.g. Schopenhauer.
(For a detailed treatment of this issue see Nikoletseas, M,
M., 2013b)."


Read it at the Library of Harvard Divinity School

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